Ya’ll. I have to tell you something. You know I get excited about anything really easily but I recently discovered something I think you’re going to get excited about too! Which is why I believe that I’ve discovered the best travel product of 2017!
During my last visit to Chile, I became a member of the first Association of Chilean Travel Bloggers, or ACHILETB for short, in efforts to join the conversation of the importance of Travel bloggers in Chile and around the world. We support each other with tips on how to improve our own blogs and network with different members of the tourism industry in Chile and around the world. Being the little social butterfly that I am I had to take advantage of meeting members who were currently in Chile for a happy hour to mingle. We all know that’s the best way to get know someone better, right?
We got together, ordered some Chilean beer, and listened to all the stories on how each member came to become a blogger and what they do in their everyday life. It was so fun getting to know everyone. One of the members, Fran Norero, blogger at passportesindestino.net showed us a travel product that she came up with about a year ago and
It’s so simple, clever, and something that everyone could use. It’s a simple silicon bracelet that has 14 universal symbols to help you communicate in a country that you don’t dominate the language. You just point and get help. Easy enough, right?
The bracelet is called HELP! Traveler Bracelet. Fran told me that a t-shirt that she saw once that has 40 universal symbols on the front inspired her to make this bracelet. She didn’t feel comfortable wearing the shirt or didn’t find it practical because you can’t wear it every day. Plus, don’t you know that you need have cute outfits for the Instagram?!? So I don’t blame her at all; I can’t imagine myself pointing to my Tata’s to a 40-year-old German man, or an 80-year-old Chinese woman when I want to find an ATM Machine. Can you?
Exactly. This Fran is one smart cookie!
This bracelet is 100% made from durable silicone and is non-toxic. You can wear it every day with any outfit and it comes in 6 vibrant colors. The icons that you will find on your HELP! Traveler Bracelet is listed below:
- Police
- Hospital
- Hostel
- Food/restaurant
- Currency exchange
- Charging Station
- Bathroom
- Public transportation (subway and bus)
- Airport
- Water
- Taxi
The packaging is recyclable and has a friendly design. In addition to containing the bracelet, you can use the packaging as a disposable tag for your suitcase or backpack. Isn’t that fun!?!?! Check out their Instagram and as soon as you get yours, upload your picture for a chance to be featured!
So I’m guessing your question is:
You’re in luck; I brought batch with me back to Florida and let me tell you they are selling like hotcakes! Click here to buy them directly from eBay or if you’re in the Orlando area, we can meet up! I’ve got a tally on which colors and sizes I have left for purchase. Free Shipping is included!
Fran also has them available for sale in Chile, Argentina, and Mexico. The post is in Spanish; so if you’re interested in purchasing them through those countries, click here
If you want more info about these bracelets, I would suggest you check out Fran’s blog post about launching these bracelets here. She writes in Spanish but has a few blog posts in English. If you want to tell Fran how awesome she is, you can do that too on Facebook or give her some love on Instagram
Remember, when you give good you get good
This seems like a good idea for me especially for a female that travels alone.
oh yea! As soon as I saw it, I said to myself “every female traveler needs this”
I am impressed with this web site, rattling I am a big fan .